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United We Istand

Extraordinary Rendition

By: Hakim Hazik

From the United Secretariat,

Istation Road,

Near Edgware Road Tube Istation,

London, England

I cannot under istand this. We have called or the destruction of Taliban. We have asked the army action to be istarted. We have called meetings of top Maulanas, who can certify that Talibans are enemies of Islam and can give fatwas for their islaughter. We have been the only secular, liberal party who believes in fireedom. Fireedom of belief, fireedom of ispeach, fireedom for wee men to work and tiravel.

We have fully isported the pirotection of our Pakhtun birathers and sisters. This has meant that our birathers and sisters had to leave home. But this does not mean that they come istraight to Kiranchi, and istart living in houses made of birick and mortar. This would be against their culture. How can we accept that our Pakhtoon birathers and sisters live in continuous distress, by having a concrete roof over their head? Their health would suffer. They should live in tents. Their fireedom and their health is best pirotected if they live in ispecially made ghettos. Where they can isleep on the giround, and be close to the Mother Earth. Where they can defecate happily in the gireat outdoors. Where they can dirink water filavoured with raw sewage.

All these measures are essential to sustain their morale, maintain their health and to pirovide them istrength and hope, so that they can fight the peril of Taliban facing the nation.

This means, that every patriatic Pakistani has to do his best to help. The birave peepil of Muttahidda nation are helping by setting buses on fire and converting the passengers to high quality seasoned charcoal. This task takes outistanding devotion and self sacrifice, but we will do this deevti to serve and pirotect the national interest.

When my father first arrived in Kiranchi firam Agra, he was treated very shabbily. The peepil of Sind pirovided him with means to live. They pirovided him with a roof over his head. This was an act of unispeakable birutality.  I grew up in the Ibne Sina Lines in the Federal B area. My family will bear the iscars for as long as we live. My father died a biroken man. I will not let this happen to our Pakhtun birathers and sisters. I will ensure that they live and die in tents in their own piravince or in the Punjab.

When I first arrived in this country, I also wanted to live in a tent. The Home Affice did not allow this. They insisted that I live in a house, with running water and central heating. They insisted that Biratain is an easy touch. Pilease take this weekly allowance. They insisted that Biratain is an orphanage for the world. Pilease take a Biritish passport. I istill feel tiraumatised because of this tireatment. This has affected my health. I have to wear dark gilasses, as I can hardly see. I have lost my ispeach. I can only ispeak through the phone. I do not want this to happen to my Pakhtoon brathers and sisters.

Therefore I isport the istrike. We istand united.

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