By: Hakim Hazik
Mran had a big jalsa. Peepal are saying that nobody has done a bigger jalsa since Sheed Mohtarma, when she came in 1986 and your brather was driving the truck faram the airpoat, right upto the Yadgar. Afsos, I was nat driving the Land Rover this time.
I went to see Shriek Chairman. I asked him, should we do a jalsa as well? He asked me to stay quiet with a finger an the lips. If we do nat do jalsa, Choisab will nat notice and we will change tarnee journal, quietly quietly so that he will never taak to the tarnee journal in Sweezerland.
Mran is saying that he will taak with our Talban brathers. Once they start taaking, they will start to laoo Mran Khan and will demand free lections under neutral lection kmishner. They will throw away their suicide jackets, shave their beards and start playing 20-20 cricket without fixing of the spot.
Same to same as Maulana Sufi Mumd Sahib in Swat. Once he was the Meer of Swat, after Nizam e Adal was passed, there was peace every where. True, he did nat like damo cracy, canstitution, or sapreem coat and he liked to flog young weemens pinned to the ground but so what? At least our hanour and savranity was safe.
Fust af all Mreecans must go. Once they go, all the Pathan children will be dmitted to the Beacon House school and Maulana Radio will only throw bums on Urdu medium schools. These schools are so useless any way. It is much better to open Cheeni massage parlours instead.
That is why Mran has gone to Cheen to see Brather Hu. He will tell him nat to send engeeneers because they get beheaded by Talban Brathers, but to send massage wali ladies because they are only kidnapped far ransom. He has also taken the Allah Hu qawwali tape by late Khan Saab, to supred the message of laoo and peace.
Kaday Yazam did jalsa at the same place. I thinks so it was also very big. That was a lang time ago. At that time the park was called Saadat Hasan Manto Park. The biggest jalsa is nat by Mran Khan or by Kaday Yazam. The biggest jalsa is always by Quaid e Telephoon. He has also phooned to say congratulations. I am thinking what has happened to the la soot in London? Has Altaf Bhai has been given bail for 12th of May? Has he been given bail for Farooq Sattar?
I think so, Shah Mmood will jump. I think so, Tzasab will nat jump. Jamaslami is already in the queue. Ham Khayal peepal are also waiting far the phoon. I am getting worried. I am going to Data Saab to pray. Shriek Chairman says nat to worry. He says the only phoon that matters is nat fram Mran Khan but the one fram Aabpara. He says that Miansab should be going to Data Saab, nat jiyalas and jiyalis af the patty.
Maybe he is right.
Mumd Jungeer Badar
Secty Journal