Extraordinary Rendition
Hakim Hazik
Press Statement:
We are winning this war. So far we have killed 9 enemies of Islam and CIA agents. If the CIA, does not back down, we will kill all our health care workers and infect all our children with polio. That will show them.
The soldiers of Islam are marching forward with grit and determination. After we have eradicated the polio eradication programme, we will pay attention to other respectable microbes and give them the honour they deserve in a civilised and law abiding society, as dictated by the laws of the Almighty. Slowly, dengue, yellow fever, tetanus and bubonic plague will be rehabilitated and will find their rightful place which has been denied them by the enemies of God.
Vaccination has been invented by the infidel Christians and is clearly designed to undermine the House of Islam. It is against nature and the laws of nature. Polio vaccine will sterilise the sons of Islam and will deprive the world of the likes of Yours Truly. It will be a terrible loss, as the infidels will have a field day and procreate with a vengeance till the House of Islam is surrounded on all sides with uncircumcised men armed with vaccines, bent upon procreation and ogling the daughters of Islam with a lustful glint in their eyes.
We cannot allow this to happen.
Instead we will kill all our girls with a bullet in the head, except those who have escaped to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham at the behest of the Jewish Hindu apostate and the agent of pork eaten RAW, Barak Obama.
He can launch as many drones as he likes but the sons of Islam will congregate to the world centre of the Caliphate and of polio, Miramshah Sharif in the North Waziristan Sharif. They will come from Chechnya, they will come from Tashkent with a white shroud tied to their heads, some with tattoos and some without, but with only one thought in their mind: to uphold the honour of Islam and of polio. May Allah SWT accept their sacrifice.
Al-Shaikh OBL was obviously untouched by the infidel vaccines, as he fathered so many pious children who regrettably have all left for Yemen whereas he himself, in his martyrdom, increases the fecundity of the Arabian Sea as he increased the richness of Tora Bora and Abbott Abad in his lifetime.
We are heirs to his legacy and guardians of interests of the Ummah and the nation. We will not allow the man made constitution, adult franchise, mass vaccination and public education take hold in this God given land of ours. This is a covenant we have signed in blood with the soul of the martyr. So help us God.
Qazi Sahib can stuff it. (And he won’t be so lucky the next time.)
Issued on the internet with the joint signatures of:
Ehsan Ullah Ehsan
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula