Letter to Brother Abdullah
By: Hakim Hazik
In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and merciful, who sent prophets, saints, mujaddids, generals and judges to show His Ummah the path of righteousness. In in the name of power that runs the universe, the IMF, the World Bank, the G8 and sends us special envoys, field hospitals, Chinook Helicopters, Predator Drones and GWOT reimbursements, please accept Eid Mubarak from me, Shahbaz Sahib and your Bhabi.
Your Highness,
Your brother is in a fix. The country has gone through the flood of Hazrat Nooh (AS). The boat of brother AZ has hit the rock and is sinking fast. There are pirates on the horizon, who delight in sending upright honest people and many time hajjis, on mandatory hajj. Although we are grateful for the opportunity that you offered us to nurture our spiritual side in the Holy Land, your Bhabi feels that the balconies of Lahore offer better views than Balkh and Bokhara. We have built a small khanqah in Jati Umra, which allows us to hold sessions of zikr and fikr, after we have partaken of the delights offered by Hajji Fazal Din.
This is the right environment for the seeker of truth to be a wayfarer on the path of discovery and any interruption thereof will be a loss for the faithful and a setback for the Ummah.
As you know, your brother in all his humility has always been a supporter of the cause of justice and independence of judiciary. You will recall that many years ago, I offered the Ummah to become the Amir ul Momineen, so that I could implement the law of Sharia and root out opposition to the True Path and the righteous Ittefaq conglomerate.
Our cadres in their massive numbers, offered their unqualified support to the Supreme Court by re-arranging the furniture there. Unfortunately, this gesture of generosity of spirit and goodwill was misunderstood by the feeble minded Sajjad Ali Shah, who tried to hide under a table and brought himself and his institution into disrepute.
Your Honour,
Things have changed a great deal since then. The khussa is on the other foot. Only brother AZ knows where the shoe pinches. Shahbaz Sahib is chuckling at his discomfiture. But you will notice, Your Highness, the deepening furrows on my brow. You will notice Brother Kayani lurking in the wings, with a pious smile on his face. Piety among the khakis can be dangerous Your Highness. If Bhutto Sahib (RA) was alive, he would tell you. Shahbaz Sahib should be careful. The Ummah should be vigilant.
This is what I need to tell Chaudhry Sahib. I am worried that he would not listen. Brother AZ does is not the enemy. He does not matter. He is here today, gone tomorrow. We need to pray to God that he protects us from the enemies of Islam. We should pray to God that he protects Islam from the soldiers of Islam. Somebody needs to tell Chaudhry Sahib.
I and your Bhabi will be very grateful your honour, if you will consider sending Prince Muqrin.
Your Humble Brother,
(Hajji) MMN Sharif, PMLN.
Khanqah Sharif Jati Umra

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