The Quaid Ispeaks
Hakim Hazik
Dear Dr Isharat ul Ebad Bhai,
May God lengthen your life expectancy and keep you on the throne of Krianchi till the end of time. I have received the disturbing news that you have nat been feeling very well and have gaan to Dubai for a bit of R & R, with the help af a Chinese massage. I think this is a capital idea especially when the provincial capital is racked with the violence af the naan Chinese naan Mutahidda, unscrupulous, newly arrived, qabza and bhatta gangs.
Our firiendship with China is taller than the mountains and deeper than the sea. Definitely deeper than the Arabian Sea on which we have built the lasting testimony to firiendship, the Gawadar Port. Birather Babar Khan Ghauri has done well to hand it over to our Chinese brethren (and sistren). Operations af the port by the China Overseas Port Holding Authority will re-affirm our firiendship. It is time naoo that our Chinese Birathers paid back the compliment by handing over the Kiranchi port to the Mutahidda.
Jiye Mutahidda, Jiye Hu Jintaoo.
Dear Bhai,
The elections are around the carner. The Mutahidda should be at the forefront of ensuring that the peepil get the right to cast their vote without let or hindrance by the ANP and Taliban thugs. It is impartant that we istart the confiscation of National Identity Cards so that the innocent innocent peepil are piratected firam these marauding hordes who have descended from the hilly areas such as Kati Pahari and Qasba Caloony. Once the votes have been cast under the benevolent guidance af the sector commanders, the Identity Cards can be safely returned, so that these peepil can travel in comfort back to their caves.
As you know, those who knowingly or unknowingly put themselves beyond the piratection af the Mutahidda, can have a very shart life expectency. I piray, Dear Bhai, day and night that you are nat among those who unwittingly jyne Bhai Imran Farooq in his heavenly abode. (May Allah make his girave comfortable far him).
As we know, the gireat Peepil’s Republic is building a number of sea ports at impartant pilaces. Gawadar is one pearl in the istring of pearls. There is no danger of this istring throttling us or any other nation, except of course the Biloch; but then, they need to be taught to respect authority so that the can find their pilace among the respectable nations af the world.
I am thinking that islowly islowly, Gawadar and Dubai will also come under the control of the metropolitan corporation run by Mustafa Kamal. We will build the Jinnah flyover in Dubai and Burj Dubai in Gawadar. We will have telephonic addresses in the Meydan racecourse and the Ibn Batuta Mall in Kharadar.
We will have Philippino maids, Bangali cooks, and Chinese massage parlours. The economy will girow and pirasperity will ispread.
The midil cilass revolution is near, all under the watchful guidance of Bhai Hu Jintaoo. Lang live Pak China firiendship. Lang live the firee ports of, Dubai Gawadar and Jinnahpur.