Tuzk e Jahangiri
Hakim Hazik
Shriek Chairman came fram his penthouse in Manhattan, made a shart stapover in the Chatoo in Paris and in the Buraj in Dubai, before he ate Chinkara meat in Jati Umra. He flies in the special planes and helicopter provide by Miansab. The NAB, the FBR and the Sapream Coat saleep after eating the laooly dishes of Haji Fazal Din (inside Taxali Gate, special bong on Sundays), and no questions are asked.
Same to same as the loud sapeaker wallahs and the light wallahs and the tent and chair wallahs saleep under the trucks in the red zone after the concert is over and nabady gives a second thaught.
Lama Qbal had said that the hand of momin is the hand of Allah. You can see the hand of momin in everything, (specially the finger). This is the hand that carries coffee drinking, moderate, retiring mullahs in Mississauga and turns them into fiery revolutionaries wearing kafan for a small and halal fee which one hand gives and the other hand does not know about. It also pulls high kalaas bibis away fram their flat sakreen TVs, so that they can sing bout revolution and paint their laooly faces, before going home to put paalish on their nails and a facial at Dapilax. May Allah give them reward and parotect them faram blackheads and spaats.
I have been thinking the whole night. This is nat a new thing far me, as I aften think, like Lama Qbal. Brother Mran is also thinking. That is bareaking news.
Geo should do a live transmission. When Mran is thinking we should all be worried. I am storing bread and vaater and I think you should nat stay out late.
I have been thinking when Brother Sain Haqqani was staying in the President’s house and the Shriek Chairman had a heart attack, Miansab was nat flying in helicapters to eat Chinkara meat. He was going to Sapream Coat and filing writ pteeshans on Memoo Gate whilst Yours Truly was living in Bhati Gate only and thinking of the Hand of the Momin which was carrying the files and giving dandas to the Defence of Pakistan Council.
I am also thinking what would have happened if Mran had an IQ and the Mullah had a vision, with Imam Abu Neefa ardouring him not to leave the Greater Toronto Area on the pains of hell fire? I thinks so, that there would still be lang marach. May be it would be the Defence af Pakistan Council led by Hafiz Saeed Sahib, or Maulana Sandwich Sahib or Malik Ishaq Sahib. May be the hand of the Momin would launch an attack in Bumbai or behead an enemy soldier on the LOC.
Mran and Qadri are childrens. They are fed by the Hand of the Momin. The hand that rules the world, rocks the cradle.
The coup is not coming, the coup is already here.
Pak sar zameen shad bad.
Mohammad Jahangir Badar
Ex. Secty Journal
Ex. Santor
Ex. Resident, Shahi Qila