Tuzk e Jahangiri
By: Hakim Hazik
To tell the truth, Asma Jungeer has made as much cantribution towards the kaz af damo cracy as your taroo brather, Jungeer Badar. She has eaten beatings at the hands af the fauj. She has eaten buse at the hands af the maulvis. By the grace af Gad, she has kicked the pious and overfed behind of Akram Shaikhsab. By the grace af Gad, we have seen the back of Qazi Anwarsab. Narai Takbir.
She has the courage to tell the taroo satory. Shriek Chairman is happy. Wansab is happy. Khosasab is happy. But, I have given them dvice, that they should nat be too happy. Because, she has the habit of using her barain. She actually has a barain. I have dvised the Central Xective Kmaitee to interduce some in the gormint as well. But they want to postpone it till janwary, alang with the journal sales tax.
An the other hand, the Sharif gormint should be careful, including Miansab, Shbasab and Khawajasab. Especially Khawajasab. He had the phatti broken outside his affice. That was bad, and Asma said so. But if he wants her to look after his phatti, he should look after his mouth. He can do it best by keeping it shut.
Naoo, what bout the new judges? Khalid Ranjhasab has already been pinted as mimber kmission. I think so, it’s a good pintment. He is totally unbiased. Any bady can buy him with the right price. He does nat have any prablems with morals ar canscience. This is xactly the kind af neutrality that is useful in a kmission. I don’t think so that Big Choisab should be worried. My friend Keem Haziksab says that he feels his gorge rising when he sees Dr. Ranjah. Do you know who is gorge? Is he a relative af George Bush? I don’t understand these funny funny things.
I understand the pintment af judges and the 18th mendment, anyhaoo. I think so, two people have much to think bout. They are Miansab and Big Choisab.
Miansab is taaking af chatter af Pakistan. Look oye, who is taaking. He had signed the chatter af damo cracy with Sheed Motarma. And what did he sign bout the pintment af judges? Pintment by kmission and no PCO judges on the kmission? Public hearing af the naminated judges by parliyamentary kmaitee?
To Big Choisab I want to say, Sir ji, slow down your Komatsu bulldozer. You want to be in the driving seat and you want to drive through the parliyament. If you do that, you will nat win. Parliyament will nat win. Miansab will nat will. Only Kayanisab will win. You say that the judeeshry should be independent? Sir ji, all of us have to answer to our bosses. You are nat the boss. Even Shriek Chairman is nat the boss. Nawab Din Halwai, inside Choona Mandi is the boss. So, don’t be fraid af public hearing.
But this discussion can wait. JDP can wait. Keem Haziksab can wait. Tonight I am going to do Bhangra with Pappu Sain and then to Pani Wala Talab for Benazir Kulfa. Tonight is the night far celebration. Bekaaz Asma has won. Narai Haidri.
Mumd Jungeer Badar
Secty Journal

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