Tuzk e Jahangiri
Hakim Hazik
Shriek Chairman is shrieking with laughter. Tears are rolling down his cheeks. Field Marshal has come to sit on the carpet with his cap in the hand and his brather has come on his NATO tanker with ‘maan ki dua’ painted on its behind with a photu of Yoob Khan.
Moreover, Choisab has also come with tears in his good eye and Arsalan Beta in the BMW. One wants extension, the other wants to keep beta ji out of prison. No one is taaking of the Sweezerland latter naoo. That is a thing of the past. Choisab has given Shriek Chairman a hug and says that he laoos parliyament. He would nat dream of disqualifying the Prazident.
The Field Marshal has also given him a hug and said that he laoos parliyament. He would nat dream of sending the 111 birgadier saab. Between you and me and these four walls, I am nat so happy. When buffalos fight, frogs get killed. Shriek Chairman is nat a buffalo. I have said to him to keep his head low and nat go out alone after sunset.
When two pillars af the state start leaning an one another, they are both in the danger af crashing. I don’t think so we should be celebrating. I think so we should be storing double roti and waater. I think that the Kernel Saab is carrying his life in the palm of his hand. If the angels can burn his car and beat him up and his son, he should be very worried. He should halal a black goat and give sadqa. Once the angels of God take a disliking to you, nobady can come to your aid. Sooner ar later you end up in upper Jhelum canal.
He is also calling agents of devil like Asma Jahangir and Najam Sethi. Your brather can tell you fram personal experience that the angels will nat be pleased. If Kernel Saab is lucky, like your brather, he will escape with his life after telling the angels that he was joking only. That will mean that he will have to withdraw the writ petition. Shriek Chairman would nat sign the notification. He respects the rule af la. But he respects his own important organs much more and does not want them squeezed by the Field Marshal Saab or any other member, whether civil or military, of the Field Marshal Saab’s staff. To avoid the same, he halals a black goat every day. Kernel Saab should also do same to same.
When the angels are unhappy, anything can happen. Peepal can go to Bumbai without a visa and start a war. A war can also start in Kargil and freedom movements can start in Maqbooza Kashmir. Faran journalists can get halaled and their killers can be hidden by impatant angels. Choisab can go biloo in the face crying rule af la, but it will nat happen till the Field Marshal also grees. Otherwise he can keep crying till the cows and the missing persons come home.
Mumd Jungeer Badar
Secty Journal