By: Hakim Hazik
The court has with patience and with a generosity of spirit examined the presentation of the learned defense counsel Aitzaz Ahsan ASC and has been unimpressed with his bizarre antics. This is a far cry from the time when he was the doyen of the movement for the rule of law in this country.
To our greatest chagrin, he has swapped his penchant for writing vigorous poetry with the unholy desire to defend the larcenous political figures who have squirreled away the national wealth. They could have easily invested it in promoting the real estate industry in the homeland under the able leadership of heroic figures such as General Z Zamin or even made a contribution to the Angel Fund held by the capable and inspiring General E Zamir.
The court is seized of the fact that the nation has taken great strides in maintaining the rule of law in line with our patriotic duty. We are particularly impressed by the care and sensitivity shown by our sensitive agencies. As long as we have our peerless Sipah Salar and the indomitable Sipah of the Sahaba, we can hold our head high among the comity of nations.
We condemn the situation where the highest office in the land, i.e. that of the Chief Justice, has been held in contempt and has been subject of ridicule and mockery by the arriviste politicians. This is a situation that cannot be tolerated in any civilized country. If the prime minister chooses to continue this egregious behavior, the court will not have any choice except to call upon the Sipah Salar to do his duty under the constitution, as the constitution has done its duty for the Sipah Salar on several historic occasions.
Justice Khosa is the last man left standing between edifying culture of high class poetry and the horrid plebeians who occupy the parliament house. If it was not for him, we would all be reading fake speeches of Lord Sahib Macaulay and senile interjections of Qudrat Ullah Shahab and the country would go to the dogs.
As long as the number of the pending cases remains below three and a half million, the judicial activism allows treasonous journalists to wash up in Upper Jhelum Canal and the enemies of the state (above thirteen years of age) are lined up and shot with great accuracy in the Upper Swat Valley, all citizens can sleep peacefully at night.
As the famous poet, Khalil Jibran (of Clan Khosa) would say:
Pity the nation
which salutes the liberator on the horseback
galloping down the GT road.
Pity the nation where
the Promised Messiah
rides on a battle tank and then,
swaps khaki for Armani
Pity the nation which puts
The Welfare Trust above welfare and trust
and the Foundation above the nation
Pity the nation where prime ministers are hanged
and the murderers sermonize from elevated pedestals
and the upholders of law,
uphold the law of necessity
and when really excited,
write tawdry verse.