web 2.0

Live Burials

Justice Denied 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information
from a remote area of Balochistan province, that five women were
buried alive, allegedly by the younger brother of Mr. Sadiq Umrani,
the provincial minister and a prominent leader of the Pakistan
People's Party, the ruling party. However, police have still not
arrested the perpetrators after one month of the incident. More...


Joint Communiqué

Extraordinary Rendition 

By Hakim Hazik

Senator Goldfinger:  Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, you will have noticed that we have called this meeting a communiqué, and not a declaration and that it is taking place in Islamabad and not in Bhurban. Thank you for being such imbeciles to turn up again and be prepared to lap up the organic waste, which we have taken great pains to put together for you. More...


Ladybird Ladybird


Extraordinary Rendition

By Hakim Hazik

Lady bird lady bird, fly away home

Your house is on fire, your children all gone

Do you want an ice-lolly? I so love summer. I love travelling, especially to Washington, but the cost of flying has gone up. I have uncles who are rich and famous and can fix anything. That is why my uncle Goldfinger went to Riyadh, his Sindhi topi in hand. He spread his ajrak on the ground, and sat on it till Uncle Abdullah dropped him a cheque of 6 billion dollars and all was well. More...


تلے گنگ دیاں بھیڈاں

تلے گنگ دیاں بھیڈاں

محمد ایوب

 تلے گنگ دیاں بھیڈاں

تک بچڑی بھسا ٹپن

اکھےدھار اساں دی تھندی

ان غیر دے ملک وکاوے

اسلاماباد دے گھوڑے

جنہاں لکھاںراتب تھوڑے

ٹپ سڑک چنگاری کڈھدے

کینویں سانویں تھی کے وگدے  




Extraordinary Rendition

By Hakim Hazik 

My name is Moonscape Chira. I am the right hand man of Co-chairman Goldfinger. Brother Naek is his left one. He doubles as his polo pony and legal adviser. I am also the Co-chairman’s masseur. We all work flexibly. More...



رفعت عباس

اك چین بزار چ كھڑكدی آوے، متھے تے اك رتی بتی هر ویلے پئی بكھے، چار چفیرے گُھمدی هوئی تے رسته سِنگھدی سونڈ وچوں پیا دھوں نكلدا، هودا جثے لتھا هویاتے كنڈاُتے اك ڈھكن باقی﴿هودے وچ كوئی بیٹھا هوئے یا دھر اندر وی هاتھی آپ اے﴾ پوچھل نال اك ترٹی بھنی گھڑی بدھی، شهر دا رُكیا ٹائم دسیندی 

The Elephant

By Riffat Abbas 

A jangling chain is heading this way; a red light blazing on the crown, the trunk revolving all around, sniffing the ground, exhaling fumes, a howdah is laden on this form, needing only a slight adjustment (is someone riding in the howdah or is it the beast itself inside?); tied to the tail is a smashed up watch; on it, the time of the city stands still



The Liberation of Dubai


Extraordinary Rendition

By Hakim Hazik 

Dear Boys And Girls, Parents And Teachers, Ladies And Gentlemen, I am very grateful for your kind invitation to address this convocation.  

We know that this be the last one in this city, as the capital has moved to Dubai. I fully support this move.  The photocopiers and fax machines are better in Dubai and the security environment is much better. With the frontier province taken over by General Mahsood, and Islamabad about to fall, I think it is a wise precaution. More...


Apocalypse, How?


Transcultural Dialogues

By Hakim Hazik 

General Tinpot: Hello Doctor Sahib, the world must be coming to an end. There are one eyed monsters everywhere. The infidel aircraft are slaughtering the faithful soldiers of the Tinpot army. The sun is blazing at the height of one spear and a quarter. There is no power and no water. This must be the end of time. More...


Habib Jalib - Mainay Uss Say Yeh Kaha - Laal


resistance poetry, art and literature

Do You Have Love In Your Culture?

Justice Denied

Le Monde Diplomatique
3 July 2008
By Dahr Jamail

On June 16 I was the co-recipient of the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism with Mohammed Omer in London. Omer is a 24 year-old Palestinian with whom I felt, and feel, honored to have shared this award. During my brief talk while accepting the award, I told the audience I could not think of anyone else I would rather share the award with. Omer's work from his Gaza homeland has been a beacon of humanitarian reportage; his work serves as a model of peace and attempted reconciliation with Israel for the youth in his occupied territory. More...
