Hakim Hazik
Extraordinary Rendition
Our valiant soldiers have taken appropriate action to clear the airport by tracking down, surrounding and liquidating with extreme prejudice, the foreign militants who were trying to take over the Karachi airport. The C in C has congratulated the officers and jawans on their bravery and said that they have earned the everlasting gratitude of the nation. The PIA aircraft, Alhamdulillah, were not damaged. The precious machinery of the cold storage, by the grace of God has also survived. Seven patriotic workers have laid down their lives to protect this national asset.
There was swift retribution by the sword arm of Islam, the Predator drone, which has taken out the 16 militants responsible for the attack. Brother Imran has been advised not to go shooting off his patriotic mouth and let the ISPR deal with the media. He has been strongly advised not the lie down in front of the NATO traffic. His heart is in the right place. In fact, his brain is in the right place as well, for safekeeping in the cold storage under the supervision of the ISPR. More...